Are you Ready???

Okay your resume has made it through the initial process. Your resume was selected from the 100’s or 1000’s of resumes that a company may receive directly or a (external or internal) recruiter has located you out of the millions of resumes that are posted online!

Are you ready for what is next?

You have impressed them with your resume and the company wants to learn more about you and now you need to prepare for their interview process. You need to be prepared for an initial telephone/skype interview, possible on-line assessment and eventual face to face.

If you want the position that you have applied for then you need to be ready to ensure that you are able secure this role. You want that job/career offer!!

What Do I Need to Do?

You need to do your research just like you did prior to applying for the position. You researched the company to see if it may be a fit, you researched the position to see if it would be a fit for you and if it was a position that you wanted. You need to be prepared as you can be as you may only get one shot!!

How Should I Prepare?

  • Ask and know about the interview process – what are the steps in the interview process, telephone/skype/face to face, etc. Will in-person interviews be one on one with the hiring manager, will there be multiple of interviews back to back, or will it be a panel interview. Know the type of interview process that you are walking into and prepare accordingly.
  • Ask who you are interviewing with – research the people you will be interviewing with – review LinkedIn profile, review their profiles on company website, Google them, etc. Know has much history as you can about the people you are interviewing with and will be working with.
  • Know the company that you are interviewing for – research their website, google, know if they have been presented with any industry awards, etc.
  • Be prepared for any type of questions – especially Tell me about yourself?
  • Have your questions prepared
  • Dress to Impress – know the company’s dress code – rule of thumb you should dress one notch above the company’s dress code for example if the company’s dress code is business casual then you dress in business attire.
  • Role play – get together with a friend and/or a trusted associate and have a mock interview.
  • Follow up all interviews with a thank you email – including questions as to the next steps.
  • Additional On-line resources to help you prepare:

o The Interview Guys
o The Best Job Interview Preparation Video
o Interview preparation questions and answers

Hope this Helps & Please Feel Free to Contact Us with Any Questions